Lectura Dantis Andreapolitana
St Andrews Dante Lecture Series
A Lectura Dantis (‘reading of Dante’) is a public reading and explanation of all 100 cantos of Dante’s Divine Comedy canto by canto. Each canto of the Commedia is discussed by a different scholar, and we have a wide range of expert speakers coming to St Andrews for each meeting of the Lectura Dantis Andreapolitana (LDA).
All meetings are free and open to the public, and dates are posted here and on our Facebook page – so do come along.
All lectures are video-recorded and can be viewed on this site.
Look out for other LDA Dante related events and activities by checking the website or joining our mailing list.
You can join in one of our activities right now.
The organisers would like to acknowledge the generous financial assistance provided by our sponsors: